
Collaborrative Essay

Writer : 
- Herry Sutama
- Annadhif Rafi Attallah 
- Nurvemi Sultana
- Nahdatul Nisaq
- Arnold Setyawan
My Habitual Change

Human being are very adaptable. We can live in most climates of the world. In the past, people tend to stay in the place they were born, but now we move easily from countryside to city, from one part of a country to country. Each place has its own customs and ways of life and countries also have different languages. When I moved from village to Padang, I changed my behavior three significant ways.
First, my language has changed significantly. Now I use formal language as often as possible and different accent. By the time I moved to Padang, I am supposed to use formal language. For example, in the campus and learning process, I have to communicate in Indonesian language because it’s the official language in college curriculum. Not only formal language, my accent is also change. Because, minang’s accent usually used in my environment. Such as in my boarding house and exactly in Padang city.
Second, my taste of clothing is also undergo significant shift. Now, instead of t-shirt, my wardrobe is slowly piling up button-up shirt for formal occasion. This doesn’t actually change my perception against t-shirt. I will most definitely wear one if allowed. I also wear shoes with socks almost everywhere. Sandals or flip-flops are only used in very informal occasion.

Third, the habit of people who live in Padang is definitely different. I used to live in my village mostly based on minangkabau habits. I usually worried to go out after Maghreb but, the habits of the people in Padang has influenced by western habits. It is okay of me to go out until midnight. Also, I should be polite and friendly, because we know that Padang is religious place and very well-mannered city. Not only that, I usually give smile to everyone that we have met.

Then comes the question “Am I the same people I was before or am I different person now?” Change makes us reassess our values and our habits. By changing my language, my appearance and my habits, I slowly transform into a new person. However, I prefer not to think about it too much as a changing phase but as a growing phase.

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